Reading BENT Out of Shape is an inspiring, no-nonsense, factual way of straightening out your life, which often gets derailed, even amongst the healthiest of us. The chapters on Anger and Forgiveness are excellent, surpassed only by the writing on Love, which is the best I have experienced…Karen’s scriptural quotes are woven intimately into the psychological dynamic fabric of human behaviour, and truly this book and the Word she quotes from, are the ultimate cognitive behavioural therapeutic (CBT) medicine we all need….Dr. Sam’s information is cutting edge scientific medical knowledge, which together with Karen’s truthful, relatable, and organized delivery will help any person desiring serenity, peace, joy, [and] self-control of their will, thoughts, emotions, and actions. Dr. Stephen B. Stokl, M.D., F.R.C.P. (C), Chief of Psychiatry, South Lake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket, Ontario; Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Karen has done it again! Her newest book [BENT Out of Shape] is thought-provoking, inspiring, empowering and filled with God’s wisdom! This is a great book for all people who want to learn how to experience peace, joy, love and other positive emotions. Dr. Karyn Gordon, Psychologist, Motivational Speaker, Media Personality and Author
Karen reaches into the professional world and comes out with the facts behind the suspicion we’ve had all along—handling life’s emotions is tough. BENT Out of Shape tells us why and how to make it better. With honesty and a clear look at reality, she navigates through practical steps of applying faith in God. These mature insights make for a great handbook for successful living. It’s brilliant….thanks so much for this Karen, it really, really is wonderful work. Lorna Dueck, Former CEO of Crossroads and Executive Producer of Context with Lorna Dueck; Commentary Writer for the Globe and Mail and for CBC.ca
An excellent book covering a wide spectrum. Scripture (the “Manufacturer’s Handbook”) covers everything in life, including money matters. Seeking the Truth About Money draws us back to that touchstone… Thomas S. Caldwell, Chairman of Caldwell Securities Ltd.
Henein’s latest book, Seeking the Truth About Money, is a well-balanced study of what the Bible says about wealth. She addresses head-on the myths promoted by people who base their theology on a superficial reading of a few select verses. Henein provides a comprehensive survey of the entire Bible and develops a nuanced understanding of wealth, stewardship, attitudes and Christian service that will help readers align themselves with Scripture. The book provides many stories of people who have worked through the issues and brought their lives into alignment with biblical guidance. Written in an engaging style, the book will help you to challenge and clarify what you believe and then to make the changes you want to make. Rev. John Pellowe, MBA and DMin, CEO of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities
Seeking the Truth About Money, by Karen Henein, is one of the most complete and biblically balanced books on finance I have read in a long time. As President of Advisors with Purpose, a national network of Christian financial advisors, we will be recommending it as a must read. I believe Karen has done a great job in confirming her beliefs backed by scriptures. This book has a great balance between giving us the unvarnished truth of God’s word without telling the reader what they have to believe. I recommend it to all. Lorne Jackson, CFP, President of Advisors with Purpose
It is rare that an absolute “must read” book is published. Karen Henein, author of Seeking the Truth About Money, has written such a book. Seeking the Truth About Money is a much-needed resource that provides proven Christian principles for handling all aspects of managing anyone’s personal finances. Karen’s insight and use of about a thousand scripture verses will bring to life new ideas and concepts about money. The reader can embrace these Christian principles immediately to improve their understanding as to how God wants everyone to manage their finances….This book will challenge every idea one has had on managing and building true wealth. I have read, researched and authored two books on money management and I can honestly say this is the best, most balanced and well presented book I have read on the subject of money….This is a rare book that raises and redefines the standard for measuring personal financial success and the book by which all other financial books will be measured. This book will make a difference in everyone’s life!….If I could only buy and read one book this year, Seeking the Truth About Money would be the one. Monty McKinnon, author of What Every Christian Should Know About Money Management and Money Management for Busy People
Seeking the Truth About Money challenges all of us to set aside our personal opinions and biases and take a close look at what scripture has to say about the important topic of money and financial management. With a style that is refreshingly forthright, genuine and grounded in reality, Henein tackles a range of tough and relevant issues with sensitivity and a commitment to letting God’s word lead the way. Matt Miles, CFA, Financial Services Executive
Karen Henein, in her most recent publication, Seeking the Truth About Money , has delivered a comprehensive and thoroughly researched view of what it will take to stay balanced and secure in a chaotic and unpredictable global economy. Her questions will provoke sincere and thoughtful responses…She reveals her own strength of character and impeccable honesty while also revealing some lighter moments of transgression. This book will be a valuable resource for families in all sectors of today’s economy and a spiritual gift to those searching for a truth that is steadfast. Gerry Organ, One Way Ministries; author of the award-winning book One Goal: A Praise and Prayer Journal; formerly a CFL player and a past Executive Director of Christian Business Ministries Canada
Seeking the Truth About Money has further inspired me to self-examine my attitudes and decisions about money. To be a steward is one thing, to be generous is another. In her book, the author offers mature insight that will propel the reader forward in their understanding of money from a well-balanced, faith-based approach. This is a must read for those who are beginning or well-establish in their journey with Christ. Alana Walker Carpenter, CEO of Intriciti, a ministry to Bay Street and beyond